Chemical Peels

Starting at $300
A VI (Vitality Institute) peel is a type of chemical peel treatment that is designed to help improve the skin's tone and texture. It is a composition of chemicals including salicylic acid, minerals, retinoic acid, TCA, and phenol that is applied to your face.
Each treatment can provide extraordinary results in as little as 7 days. Unique from other peels, the VIPeel fortifies the skin with vitamins and minerals while going through the exfoliation process.
Chemical peels remove the outermost layers of the skin resulting in rejuvenated, glowing skin. Up to 3 layers of dead skin are shed followed by skin regeneration. This regenerated skin feels smoother and softer, having fewer wrinkles and fewer blemishes, and is more supple than the older damaged skin.
Commonly treated conditions include:
Sun damage
Fine lines and wrinkles
Acne and uneven skin tone
Clogged or large pores
Age/brown spots
Rough textured skin
There are 5 formulations to treat specific concerns and VIPeels are suitable for ALL skin types. In addition, they are self-neutralizing and provide dramatic results with virtually no pain and minimal downtime. Get started today. Shed some skin and start glowing.